アッシュ&カトリーヌ外伝 ともに天を戴かず Falling Short of Heaven
When Catherine and the Knights of Seiros ride out to seek retribution against the Western Church for their attack on the archbishop, Ashe is eager to accompany them.
(訓練場 昼)
Training Grounds | Daytime
カトリーヌ: ここにいたのか。ちょっとアンタに用事があってね。
Catherine: There you are. I have a request for you.
Byleth: 用事? A request?
カトリーヌ: ああ。西方教会絡みでさ……。前に、レア様の暗殺計画があっただろ?
Catherine: It has to do with that plot to assassinate Lady Rhea.
The bishop leading the Western Church was somehow involved.
カトリーヌ: 西方教会って言えば、過激な一派が聖地を占拠しようとした件もあったろ?
Catherine: And speaking of the Western Church, there was also that incident in which one of the more extreme factions tried to occupy sacred land.
カトリーヌ: それで、セイロス騎士団が司教どもの討伐に駆り出されることになった。
Catherine: Enough is enough, so now the Knights of Seiros have been tasked with putting the bishop down.
I thought you and your students could come with us.
Choice 1: なぜ? Why would you want us to help?
カトリーヌ: アンタの腰にぶら下がってる、“天帝の剣”の力を借りたくてね。
Catherine: Because you wield the Sword of the Creator.
Choice 2: そんな重要な任務に…… Why for such an important mission?
カトリーヌ: だからこそ、だ。……アンタの腰に下がってるのは、かの“天帝の剣”だ。
カトリーヌ: 討伐には、レア様が自ら足を運ばれる。アタシはその護衛を仰せつかった。
アンタらに頼みたいのは、その手伝いさ。どうだ? 来てくれるかい?
Catherine: Lady Rhea is going to personally execute the bishop. I have been appointed as her guard.
I want your help protecting her. So what do you say? Will you come?
アッシュ: ……あ、あの!その任務、僕は参加したいです!
Ashe: Um, excuse me! I’d like to come along.
カトリーヌ: 何だ、アッシュ……聞いていたのか。
Catherine: Ashe! You were listening in?
It’s not up to you whether you can “come along.”
アッシュ: だけど……!
Ashe: Please, this is important to me.
カトリーヌ: ……アンタの養父であるロナート卿は、西方教会の奴らと繋がってた。
Catherine: Your adoptive father, Lord Lonato, had connections to the Western Church.
I understand that you want answers.
But our objective is to punish, not to investigate. We can’t let you jeopardize the mission.
アッシュ: 絶対に任務の邪魔はしません!だから、お願いします!
Ashe: I won’t get in the way, I promise!
カトリーヌ: ………………。……で、アンタはどうする、先生。
Catherine: Hm… What do you say, Professor?
Keep in mind we would be bringing the whole class, not just Ashe.
Choice 1: 任務に参加する(外伝戦闘へ) We’ll go. (Begin Paralogue battle)
アッシュ: 先生……ありがとうございます。
Ashe: Thank you so much.
カトリーヌ: ……ま、いいか。それじゃ、準備を整えときな。
Catherine: OK. I guess it’s fine. Get ready, then.
Choice 2: 任務に参加しない(準備に戻る) I’m not sure. (Return to previous screen)
カトリーヌ: そうかい。……まあ、少しの間は待ってやってもいい。
Catherine: Hm. Well, can’t hurt to wait a bit, I suppose.
Do let me know when you finish your preparations. This is an important mission.
司教: ……現れたな。女神の遣いを騙る女狐め……。
Bishop: There she is―The sneaky little witch trying to pass herself off as the goddess’s envoy…
Archbishop Rhea! I’ll bring judgment upon you in the goddess’s stead!
カトリーヌ: チッ、霧に紛れての奇襲とはね。馬鹿の一つ覚えもここまでくると鬱陶しい!
Catherine: They’re using the fog as cover to ambush us. What a cheap ploy.
レア: 苛立ってはなりません、カトリーヌ。あの声……恐らく、相手は司教の一派です。
Rhea: It won’t do any good to get annoyed, Catherine. That voice… We’re up against a faction of bishops.
カトリーヌ: はっ。出てきてくれたおかげで、捜す手間が省けたってことにしときますか。
Catherine: They’ve shown themselves, at least, so we won’t have to go to the trouble of finding them.
All right. You got a death wish? Come at me! You really want to fight against Thunder Catherine?
カトリーヌ: 頼むよ、Byleth。レア様には傷一つ、つけさせないでくれ。
Catherine: Please, Professor. Don’t let Lady Rhea get hurt.
Our mission isn’t just to wipe out all the enemies, but also to protect Lady Rhea. Ready?
Ashe: Then we'll just have to take them out!
Rhea: They have received reinforcements, and it seems the priests are calling them over.
レア: 司祭を討ったことで、こちらからの援兵は止まったようですね。
Rhea: It seems that taking out the priest has stopped the reinforcements coming over here.
We should be able to stop the reinforcements coming from the other side by taking care of the other priest.
レア: もう彼らの兵が増えることはありません。残る者たちを一掃なさい。
Rhea: They will not be able to send any more troops now. Let us sweep up the stragglers.
カトリーヌ: わかりました、レア様!さあ、全員まとめて叩き斬ってやるよ!
Catherine: Good work, Lady Rhea! Let's round 'em up and cut 'em down.
アッシュ: しまった、レア様が……!
Ashe: Lady Rhea!
カトリーヌ: 守りを固めるんだ! これ以上、レア様に手出しさせるんじゃないよ!
Catherine: Hold the line! Don't let them attack Lady Rhea again.
レア: 何ということ……この私が……!
vs 司教
司教: 背教者どもめが……女神の裁きを受けるがよい!
Bishop: Apostates will suffer the punishment of the goddess!
アッシュ: あなたたちがいなければ……ロナート様は、今頃……!
Ashe: Lonato’s blood is on your hands…
司教: お前はロナート卿の小姓か何かか?ああ、彼は実に敬虔な信者であった……
Bishop: Were you Lord Lonato’s page or something? Indeed, he was a devout believer.
All we did was provide Lord Lonato salvation from his misery!
アッシュ: 救済だなんて……あなたたちは、ロナート様を利用しただけだ……!
Ashe: Salvation?! You used him and threw him away!
司教: 女神の名を汚す……背教者、め……
Bishop: Apostates! You sully the name of the goddess!
レア: 背教者はあなた方です。女神は私と共にあるのですから……。
Rhea: You are the apostates! The goddess is with me!
レア: 主よ、ご慈悲を。彼らの犯した罪を赦し、その魂を救いたまえ……。
Rhea: Goddess, have mercy. Forgive them their sins, and save their souls…
カトリーヌ: 司教を捕らえられれば良かったんですが、ああも抵抗されると……。
Catherine: It would have been better if we’d captured the bishop. But they didn’t make it easy for us.
What now, Lady Rhea?
レア: 西方教会の本部に向かいましょう。事情を知る者が、まだ残っているかもしれません。
Rhea: We must go to the headquarters of the Western Church. Perhaps there is still someone there who knows what has transpired.
アッシュ: 僕たちも、お手伝いします。できることは少ないかもしれないですけど。
Ashe: Let us help too. It may not be much, but we’ll do whatever we can!
レア: いいえ……頼もしいです。よろしくお願いしますね。
Rhea: I am sure you will be a great help. I am glad to have you by my side.
カトリーヌ: ……お疲れさん。査問の手伝いまでしてくれて助かったよ。
Catherine: Thanks, Professor. I really appreciated your help with the investigation.
That’s it for today. Head back to Garreg Mach.
The church will have to choose a new bishop, and do whatever else is necessary to rebuild the Western Church.
カトリーヌ: レア様、アンタらに感謝してたよ。後々、何か褒美もくれると仰ってた。
Catherine: Lady Rhea is grateful to all of you. She said she would send along a reward.
You should feel very proud. Receiving a gift directly from Lady Rhea is exceedingly rare.
Still. That was a real mess, huh? For them to come out and charge us so boldly…
Choice 1: どうにかなって良かった I’m glad we made it out.
カトリーヌ: ……まあ、それもそうか。アンタらのおかげでレア様を守り切れた。
Catherine: As am I. We kept Lady Rhea safe, thanks to you.
Choice 2: 死ぬかと思った I thought we were doomed.
カトリーヌ: まったくだ。けど、アンタのおかげで何とかなったよ。
Catherine: I did too. But we made it out somehow, thanks to you.
カトリーヌ: ……ところで、アッシュはどこ行った?さっきから姿が見えないようだけど。
Catherine: Hey, where did Ashe go? I haven’t seen him for a while.
Choice 1: わからない No idea.
カトリーヌ: もしかして、まだ西方教会本部にいるのか?働き者なのはいいことだが……
Catherine: Could he still be back there? I’m glad he’s so dedicated to his work, but…
Choice 2: まさかまだ西方教会本部に……? He couldn’t still be back there, could he?
カトリーヌ: ああ、そうかもしれないね。邪魔してるわけじゃないだろうけど……
Catherine: That may be it. I hope he’s not getting in the way…
カトリーヌ: ああ、来たか、アッシュ。ちょうど、アンタの話を……
Catherine: There you are, Ashe. We were just talking about…
アッシュ: ………………。
Ashe: …
カトリーヌ: どうした、そんな思いつめた顔して?
Catherine: Why the brooding expression?
Hey, what’s that bundle of papers in your hand?
アッシュ: これは……許しを得て預かったんです。僕に、関係のあるものなので……。
Ashe: This was given to me. It has to do with my family.
Choice 1: 預かった……? Given to you?
Choice 2: ロナート卿関係の……? Is this about Lord Lonato?
アッシュ: まだ、ここに書かれていることを全部読んだわけではありません。
Ashe: I haven’t finished reading it all yet.
But I think it might offer some clues about something I need to know.
Professor, Catherine. Thank you for letting me come with you on this mission.
I’d better get ready to go.
カトリーヌ: ……ったく、見てて痛々しいよ。
Catherine: It’s a little painful to watch…
I do hope that those papers, whatever they are, will help him get over his past.
I suppose it’s time for us to start heading back to the monastery.